
How Should You Respond When a Customer Asks for a Discount

Most, if not all of us, are guilty of it from time to time. Whether it’s an application for a mortgage, the purchase of a vehicle, flights and accommodation, internet and mobile phone bundling, or other big ticket purchases – we’re often on the lookout for a discount. After all, who doesn’t love a bargain!? But when the shoe is on the other foot and your customers, whether they be repeat or potential customers, begin to ask for discounts, how should you respond?   First, it’s important to adjust your expectations to anticipate such requests. Don’t view them as a way for clients to diminish your work – after all, repeat customers certainly value it more than anything or else they would not return, and potential customers would be none the wiser. Instead, understand that it’s not unusual for customers to operate with a mindset where they try to exit… | Read the full article

Do Photography Schools Form a Valuable Contribution to Your Career?

While photography schools have been operating for some time, there’s little doubt their importance continues to divide photographers. On the one hand, there is a firm camp of believers who support the view that the best way to learn photography skills is through hands on experience, as well as plenty of practice – including learning from mistakes. Conversely however, there’s an equally supportive group of photographers who argue schools form the basis to start one’s career, particularly from a technical standpoint. So then, just how valuable a contribution do photography schools add to your career?   First things first, in the photography world, you certainly don’t need a degree or any formal qualifications to succeed. Many of the top photographers have picked up a camera and built their career from scratch, and ultimately, your ability to succeed will be dependent on your ability, skills, reputation, portfolio, and business acumen.  … | Read the full article

What Will it Take to Break a Perception?

Although the year is barely four months old, we’ve already seen a (disappointing) trend amongst several of the stories we’ve brought to you through our social media outlets – namely, a lack of appreciation and respect for the people who build their lives upon their passion for photography. While this is certainly nothing new – after all, since the dawn of time there have been people who try to depreciate a photographer’s skills – one would expect that in today’s age things would be a lot better. Or is that the problem itself? Today’s age is now so heavily oriented on camera phones, affordable point and shoots, and a gross obsession with the selfie, that people have lost their sense of understanding in what it takes to be a photographer. Even more concerning, this is something the media has (implicitly) perpetuated to the wider masses. Take for example, two leading… | Read the full article

Careers that use Photography: Police Department

Today, it’s difficult to imagine not having a camera. After all, nearly every cell phone has a camera inside, and everywhere you travel, you’re likely to see people with cameras and other photographic equipment at their fingertips. On TV, you see cameras all the time, especially on crime shows. Cameras are vital in crime scene investigations today, but do you know when photography was first used as a crime scene investigative tool? One of the first documented cases of photography being used in a crime scene was during the Jack the Ripper investigation in the East End suburb of Whitechapel in London 1888. Of course, you may laugh today to realize that photographs were often taken of the victim because it was believed that a reflection of the killer could be seen in the eyes of the victim. Today, crime scene and evidence photography is a vital part of the… | Read the full article

The Photography Institute

Distance learning programs enable students desiring knowledge of virtually any topic the opportunity of gaining an education anywhere in the world from the comfort of home or other environment of choice. The Photographic Institute in Australia provides budding photographers with the chance of obtaining skills that further freelance careers. The institute specializes in teaching photography through a self-paced professional course, which allows students to study and complete assignments according to individual schedules. Freelance photographers provide images to an endless array of publications, whether they are local, regional or national magazines and newspapers or Internet websites. While many online courses entail studying via paper-based coursework and video or audio technology by snail mail, the Photography Institute offers the opportunity of learning online from one of the most efficient courses on the planet. Besides utilizing the most up to date teaching technology, students have direct access to instructors via assignment submission and… | Read the full article

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