Tag: Photography

Finding that Niche in the Market Place

Before digital photography most photographers would work in several areas.  The average photographer would be a wedding photographer, a portrait photographer, they would take photos of anything that people asked them to take.  There weren’t a lot of differences in what one photographer did, compared to another.  If you look back on old family portraits, there wasn’t a lot of differences between one photographer and the next.  That isn’t to say that there weren’t photographers who worked in a unique style, but they were rare.  There was a way to take photos of a family, of an individual or of a wedding party.  The lighting was much the same with all them, and most had the same backgrounds or back drops. So with the advent of digital photography and DSLR’s becoming affordable, there has been a big increase in the number of people with cameras, and calling themselves photographers.  Do… | Read the full article

Finding a Place for Fine Art Architectural Photography

When I look around the internet at articles on photography there is always an abundance of articles on photographing landscapes, portraits and weddings, but architecture is an area that seems to be almost forgotten.  It isn’t totally forgotten, but it certainly doesn’t get as much attention as the others.  Most people think of Real Estate when they think of architectural photography, but there are other types, and there are certainly other uses. Architecture has been used in artwork for hundreds of years.  Aristocrats would commission artists to do a painting of their homes, or their very large castles.  Castles have been featured in the artwork of so many painters, and today it is still a popular subject for artists and photographers.  So is their a place in the world for professional photographers/artists who want to photograph beautiful architecture for clients who want wonderful images of homes and work spaces that… | Read the full article

Shapes and Curves in the City of Melbourne

This is my first contribution to this blog, and I would like to say hello.  I thought I could do my first post on something that I am very passionate about, Melbourne.  I love this city, and I think it is a photographers dream.  I know when most people think of Melbourne they think sport, Australian Open, AFL, Grand Prix, or coffee, fantastic coffee culture here, and there is food.  The other thing that people think, is weather, we are known for our bad weather.  Apparently it always rains here, though Sydney gets more rain a year than Melbourne.  It is true, though the weather here can be rather unpredictable.  Being a photographer living in Melbourne means, you deal with the weather and work around it. There is one part of Melbourne that I really don’t think gets enough publicity, our architecture. Flinders Street Station is a very obvious building… | Read the full article

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